
Quiet Time

Time alone with God (See also prayer)

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Free Lots of Stuff
We all spend a lot of time and energy trying to do many things, but do we spend time on what's really important?
Members Only Noise
An activity to show the affects noise can have on our relationships with other people and with God.


Members Only Whose Voice is That?
We can have confidence that God is talking to us through His Scriptures.

Object Talks

Free Distractions
There are many distractions that can keep us from giving Jesus the right focus in our life.


Members Only Baptism and the Lord's Supper
Students discover a biblical definition of the two sacraments instituted by Christ - baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Free Bible Basics
An exhaustive eight lesson walk through the Bible including its purpose, organization and authenticity.
Members Only Fasting
This lesson explores the spiritual habit of fasting, thought by some to be an extreme habit. Here we learn what fasting really is and how it can bring us closer to God when practiced correctly.
Members Only Pray Continually
When prayer becomes your way of life, it can change your life and the lives of others.
Members Only Prayer
This lesson focuses on the Spiritual habit of prayer, and provides practical ways to develop a solid prayer life that will deepen our relationship with God.
Members Only Prayer: Expecting Results
Students are challenged to pray expectantly, believing that God wants to move on their behalf.
Members Only Study
The first Spiritual Discipline is the regular study of God's Word for understanding, insight, and life-changing application.
Members Only Studying the Bible (Part 1)
This lesson encourages students to develop Spiritual Habits that will help them hear the voice of God through His Word.
Members Only Studying the Bible (Part 2)
This lesson shows us that our study of Scripture should be focused on one thingmaking a difference in our lives. The Bible is meant to change us.
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