

Family of believers; family of God; earthly family (See also Body of Christ, Church, unity)

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Members Only How Well Do You Know Me?
Close friendships aren't made overnight, it takes time to really get to know another person.
Free Memorable Moments in Acts
A look into the memorable moments that made the Church at Philippi and the Philippians very special to the Apostle Paul.

Tips for Leaders

Free Teaching: How to Make Youth Ministry More Fun
How to make youth ministry more fun
Free Teaching: Involving Parents
As leaders of youth ministries, it should be our goal to minister with parents, not around them.
Free Teaching: Ministering outside of the lesson
Teaching: Ministering outside of the lesson


Members Only Boaz’s Loyalty to Ruth
In this lesson, students learn that loyalty to those in need is a fundamental element in every believers life. Christians should be willing to do things for those who are less fortunate even if those things are inconvenient or even uncomfortable to the believer.
Members Only Boaz’s Loyalty to Tradition
In this lesson, students learn that loyalty to tradition is a good thing and that they should cling to that which is good, right, and just.
Members Only Children of God
During this lesson, students will learn that their identity in Christ is a free gift that cannot be earned.
Members Only Family Matters
This lesson helps students understand their place within their family and God’s family.
Members Only Our Connection to Each Other
This lesson on the book of Colossians places emphasis on understanding our connection to each other.
Members Only Our Identity in Christ
This lesson challenges students to represent Jesus in the world around them by living lives full of unity, generosity, and the power of God.
Members Only Ruth’s Loyalty to Naomi
This lesson will help students understand the importance of a disciples loyalty as well as encourage students to lead a life of loyalty to Jesus Christ.
Members Only The Church: Belonging
This lesson inspires the students to really become part of the local church, to gather and grow regularly and join in its mission to change the world.
Members Only The Family
The Church is a spiritual family, and all believers are members. In this lesson, students discover the significance of being children of a loving Father under the leadership of Christ.
Members Only You: Woman of Godliness
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised” Proverbs 31:30
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