

The good news and story about Jesus Christ (See also witnessing)

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Members Only Great Story
Students tell stories about some of the great experience in their lives and compare it to sharing the Good News of Christ.

Object Talks

Free Pure Gospel
We must only put our faith in the pure Gospel of Christ.


Members Only Galatians: One True Gospel
There is only one true Gospel, having faith in Christ. Paul was willing to give his life to defend it, even dying a martyrs death. Are you?
Members Only Galatians: Paul's Authority and Concern
Who were the Galatians, and how was the Apostle Paul connected to them? A lesson about staying on the right course.
Members Only Open Eyes
We need to live as missionaries wherever we are, instead of acting as tourists. We must open our eyes to the power of the Gospel.
Members Only Open Mouth
We need not be afraid nor need to have great knowledge to share the Good News about Christ. It is like sharing a good story.
Members Only Paul in Rome
Through this lesson students learn that the mission of the Church is to share the Gospel boldly around the world.
Members Only Philippian Jailer
This lesson teaches that God will use even seemingly impossible circumstances to share the Gospel with those who are lost.
Free Seize the Day
A study of the circumstances that affected Paul's witness and how we can learn from his experience to seize the day for Jesus.
Members Only The Church Is Born
Students learn how the Church was born and that today’s believers are still called to preach the Good News throughout the world.
Members Only The First Gospel
Salvation through Jesus was the plan even in the Garden of Eden. With the resurrection of Jesus, a descendant of Eve, the devil has no victory over us.
Members Only The Four Gospels
The word gospel means “good news.” The four gospels all fulfill one major purpose--to share the good news about Jesus Christ. There are four different gospel letters, written by four of Jesus’ followers, each giving a unique account about what happened in the life of Jesus.
Members Only The Good News
Students are inspired to live out their story in concert with the story of Christ.
Members Only The Growth
Students are encouraged to passionately share the Gospel by learning about the explosive growth that existed in the Church’s earliest period.
Members Only The Opportunity
Life is not a game, but an opportunity to share the Good News about Christ's resurrection from the dead.
Members Only Unashamed
This lesson challenges the students to allow the Gospel to change them and to apply the truths about faith and peace to their lives each day.
Members Only Why I Believe Jesus Matters
This lesson equips students with overwhelming proof to be able to defend against some of the many hoaxes and foolish claims about Jesus' life, death, and resurection.
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