

How others think of me based on what they have seen or heard (See also character)

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Members Only Claim to Fame
A life of influence outlasts a life of fame.


Members Only 3 John
This lesson on 3 John inspires students to live godly lives by imitating Jesus Christ and walking in the Truth.
Members Only I Must Be Perfect to Come to Church
We are God's Workmanship created to do good works, but we do not have to be perfect before coming to Christ--Come as you are!
Members Only The Battle
Life is not a dress rehearsal, God has given us this life for a purpose.
Members Only The Kingdom: King Saul
Through a study of Saul,students are inspired to work hard building a strong and moral character rather than focusing on their physical appearance.
Free The Truth About Words
Words are powerful and can be used for good or evil purposes. We are responsible for how we use our words.
Members Only Words for the Churches
This lesson teaches about the seven churches mentioned in Revelation and provides students with useful insights on how to remain faithful, even during difficult times.
Members Only Worship
Through this lesson students come to understand that worship is much more than singing songs.
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