

Emotions that are either pleasant or unpleasant (See also emotions)

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Members Only Compliment Hat
How do others see me? How do I see myself? An activity that is sure to be an encouragement and a boost of self-esteem.
Free Revealing Colors
A friendly way to get to know each other and spread around a little color.


Members Only A Study in Dating Relationships
As Christians we need to have a counter-cultural, Biblical view of our dating relationships.
Members Only All You Need is God
Students learn that they are able to love others because God first loved them. Students are mobilized to live a life of love based on God's definition of love.
Free Overview of Psalms
Understand the basic structure of the Psalms and motivate students to express themselves to God in greater ways.
Members Only Sex, Marriage, and Jesus
This lesson examines what scripture says about sex and marriage and what changes in attitude and behavior we must make to align ourselves with the Lordship of Jesus.
Members Only The Judges
This lesson will inspire students to trust God to lead them throughout their lives—not just save them now.
Free Who Do You Think You Are?
Discover how we can serve others with joy and humility through Christ's example.
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