

Feelings of pleasure or contentment when things are going well (See also contentment, joy)


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Members Only Is Everything Meaningless?
Are we living a life that is rich in meaning, or one that has no meaning at all? In this lesson, students find out that everything is meaningless apart from God.
Members Only Jesus Is Enough
This lesson inspires students to be content in life with the person and work of Jesus Christ and challenges them to realize that their lives are not validated by their possessions or status in life.
Members Only Jesus Teaches Us How To Live
In this lesson, students are inspired to live as Jesus commanded.
Free More than Enough
God knows what we need, but gives us so much more. This lesson in Philippians shows the importance and urgency of helping others in need.
Members Only The Pursuit
In this lesson, students learn from the wisdom of Solomon about the importance of putting our trust in God as the source for our contentment, and not the pursuit of worldly treasures.
Members Only You Can't Take it With You
Do we live like the pursuit of money will bring true happiness? In this lesson, students find that true joy is in Christ, not wealth.
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