

Group of People with common interests (See also fellowship)

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Free Helping Those in Need
People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Members Only Matching Gifts to Needs
Opportunities to use our spiritual gifts are all around us. We just have to be willing to find the needs.
Members Only The Perfect Church
This side of Heaven the perfect church will be hard to find, but we can still work, plan, and pray to make the church what it ought to be.


Free Mud Volleyball
A great way to cool off on a hot summer day, promote fellowship, and reach out to the community for Jesus.

Object Talks

Members Only Color Blind
It is important that every believer use his or her spiritual gifts for the Church to function properly.
Members Only Infinite Outcomes
Every person in the Church is important and every person has a place.

Tips for Leaders

Free Group Building: Don't Do It Alone
Some of us try to build our youth ministries alone even though we do not live any other part of our lives that way.
Free Group Building: No Solo Flights
Ministry is, by its very nature, a team effort. Don't try to do it alone.
Free Outreach: Planning a Gathering
Teenagers love to get together. No matter what kind of gathering you are holding with your students, it’s important that you set things up to succeed.


Members Only After the Kingdom - Ezra
This Sunday school lesson will encourage humble repentance among students.
Members Only All You Need is God
Students learn that they are able to love others because God first loved them. Students are mobilized to live a life of love based on God's definition of love.
Members Only Community
The Church isn't a building, but rather, it is a body of believers. In this lesson, students learn about Christian community and how it should impact the world.
Members Only Ephesians: Paul's Spiritual Relationship
Paul's relationship with the Ephesians and how it is contrasted with his relationship with the Galatians.
Members Only Esther: Woman of Courage
Rise up! This matter is in your hands. You’ll be supported, so take courage and do something! Ezra 10:4
Members Only Family Matters
This lesson helps students understand their place within their family and God’s family.
Members Only God's Light
Students are introduced to the book of 1 John that teaches us ways in which we can live "in the Light."
Members Only Life in the Wilderness
This lesson allows students to explore how God provided for the Israelites when they were in the wilderness. Additionally, this lesson demonstrates how God is present in the students’ lives currently.
Members Only My Contribution
Each believer needs to actively use his or her Spiritual Gifts for the benefit of the Church.
Members Only My Place
The Church is much larger than an event, building, or even a sermon. This lesson helps students understand their place within the body and the practical implications of giving themselves to Christ.
Members Only Our Identity in Christ
This lesson challenges students to represent Jesus in the world around them by living lives full of unity, generosity, and the power of God.
Free Paul's Relationship with the Philippians
A look into Paul's relationship with the Christians in Philippi and how the people we know can affect our relationship with Christ.
Members Only Peter and Cornelius
This lesson teaches that God loves all people groups and that no one is off limits to the Gospel.
Free Seize the Day
A study of the circumstances that affected Paul's witness and how we can learn from his experience to seize the day for Jesus.
Members Only Small Goals
This lesson will assist students in setting small goals to complete their God-given missions in life.
Members Only Stand Firm in Your Faith!
Through this lesson, students are given the tools needed to stand firm in their faith during difficult times.
Members Only The Church
Through this lesson students learn the biblical perspective on what it means to be the church.
Members Only The Church: Unity
This lesson will inspire students to live lives united with other Christians.
Members Only The Time of Your Life
To expose students to the truth that life is short and that they should use their time on earth to serve God.
Members Only Unity and Generosity
This lesson studies the importance of unity and generosity as the early Church grew as well as in the Church today.
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