

To glorify, to say good things about someone or something (See also worship)

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Members Only Compliment Hat
How do others see me? How do I see myself? An activity that is sure to be an encouragement and a boost of self-esteem.
Members Only Crown of Life
When it comes to faith, the Gospel of Jesus is like a crown of beautiful jewels.


Members Only Give Thanks to the Lord
God is good and His love for us endures forever. For this, we should be extremely​ thankful.
Members Only Jesus' Thanksgiving
Through this lesson, students learn to live lives of thanksgiving as Jesus does.
Free Overview of Psalms
Understand the basic structure of the Psalms and motivate students to express themselves to God in greater ways.
Free Palm Sunday
This Easter Sunday school lesson covers the events of Palm Sunday from all four Gospels. The students discover how the past differing viewpoints about Jesus still relate to us today.
Members Only Psalm 146
This lesson teaches the students to trust in God and find ways to honor Him.
Members Only Thanksgiving Every Day
Thanksgiving is not just for one day of the year. We should focus our heartfelt gratitude towards God every day and for all of His many blessings.
Members Only Worship
The third Spiritual Discipline is to worship God, as an expression of relationship, appreciation, and awe.
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