

Tests to determine a person's abilities (See also hardships and difficulties, suffering)

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Members Only Don't Worry
Worry is something that is very real to most of us. The Bible talks about worrying frequently, each time in a negative way. Never once in Scripture is worrying condoned, advised, or honored.
Members Only Philippian Jailer
This lesson teaches that God will use even seemingly impossible circumstances to share the Gospel with those who are lost.
Free Seize the Day
A study of the circumstances that affected Paul's witness and how we can learn from his experience to seize the day for Jesus.
Members Only The Story of Joseph
As we learn from Joseph, how we conduct ourselves during times of hardship is important. God may not cause bad things to happen to us, but He can certainly use them to help us grow mature in Christ
Free What Really Matters
Discover how we can leave what is behind and press on to grow closer to Jesus.
Members Only You've Got Issues
Study on the book of James about trials and temptations. As Christians, we can even consider it a joy when we face trials of many kinds.
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