

Doing things in the proper order, putting God first (See also idols)

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Members Only Before it's Over
When the end is near, what do you value the most? Four scenarios to ponder, before it's over.
Free Housecleaning
For there to be room for Jesus, we may need to do some housecleaning. Jesus wants to be the most important one to us, the Lord of our lives.
Free Lots of Stuff
We all spend a lot of time and energy trying to do many things, but do we spend time on what's really important?
Members Only My House
Life can be like a house with many rooms. Which rooms of your life does Christ have control?


Members Only A Little Room, Please
Sometimes we need to clear some space in order to make room for what really matters. This is especially true when it comes to our spiritual life.
Members Only How Much Time?
We all have a limited amount of time in life. The problem is, we often don't know how long it takes to do what we want or need to do.
Members Only Juggling Act
We tend to juggle a lot of different things in life, but Christ should be the center of every priority, not another task on the list.

Tips for Leaders

Free Time Management: A Deep Well
How to keep spiritually fit. Even Jesus couldn’t keep pouring Himself out again and again without recognizing His own need to fill His well.


Members Only Esther: Woman of Courage
Rise up! This matter is in your hands. You’ll be supported, so take courage and do something! Ezra 10:4
Members Only Fasting
This lesson explores the spiritual habit of fasting, thought by some to be an extreme habit. Here we learn what fasting really is and how it can bring us closer to God when practiced correctly.
Members Only Make Room for Jesus
As we get our house ready for a special guest, we also need to get ourselves ready to make room for Jesus, a lesson from Matthew 3: 1-12.
Members Only Open Heart
Students learn that following Jesus means giving Him all of our hearts and time. We cannot follow Him into mission if our lives are filled up with stuff.
Members Only There is No Time
In this lesson, students learn from Solomon that there is a time and season for everything. We should not use the time God gives us foolishly.
Free What Really Matters
Discover how we can leave what is behind and press on to grow closer to Jesus.
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