

Being a good neighbor and friend, kind to one another; "Good Samaritan" (See also friendship)

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Members Only Another Good Samaritan
This skit shows how actions put into words and words put into actions define a person. A modern twist on the popular Bible story with a provocative question of who needs help. (8 speaking parts, about 15 minutes)

Tips for Leaders

Free Communication: Organizing Groups for Discussion
Methods to organize small groups for better discussion.
Free Communication: The Newcomer
Bridging the communication gap between the newcomer and the rest of the class


Members Only Boaz’s Loyalty to Tradition
In this lesson, students learn that loyalty to tradition is a good thing and that they should cling to that which is good, right, and just.
Members Only Running With God
In lesson three, we learn that we should not be satisfied with running to God, but rather strive to run with God.
Members Only You: Woman of Godliness
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised” Proverbs 31:30
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